Thursday, November 27, 2008

it's about time!

I finally got my laptop back! My I mean owner... came back from Nashville and now I can finally type my blizzog. I have had 96 hours of non-writing time... Sheesh! I tried to write on notebook paper, but then I ate it... So, yes teacher, the dog does eat homework!!!

Anyways I KNOW you have missed me writing. But seriously, you need to follow me so you know when my next update is. So look on the left hand side of this page you can follow my every move. (see, look at my wagging tail!)

As you know today is thanksgiving. So make sure that you give thanks for all the great pets in your life, because we are so special! So make sure to accidently drop a piece of turkey on the floor or maybe some stuffing, and some of the cranberry sauce. (yes, i do like cranberry sauce).... Im getting hungry...

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