Sunday, June 5, 2011


Sundays are some of my favorite days. i just get to lounge out back and catch lizards. (Which if you know me, it is my speciality) I just have a penchant for lizard tail. Yes. It may make you gasp, but there is just some part of me that is into the finer things...

Oh really? So you guys eat snails, fish eggs and frog legs and it's considered "cultured? But why can't I have my lizard tail? I was trying to write about my lovely Sunday brunch and you want to... Okay. Sorry... (Bark to ten...) Okay...

What was I saying?... Oh yeah, Sundays are awesome!!!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Puppy Company!

So it's Easter and I have my granny and grandpaw coming in! I am so excited, that I just can't wait. I have so much to tell them about me when they get here. I mean I have grown a whole bunch since they last saw me. I have so many exciting stories about how I keep the squirrels away and how I keep the backyard free of lizards. I keep this place pretty safe if you ask me.

I am so happy for this Easter, I think I will spend some time laying in the sun to even out my farmer's dog's tan. What are you doing this Easter? I hope you are planning a great time with family (and dont forget your pets!). Make sure to let them in on a little table scraps too. Shhhhh. dont tell mama T that I said anything about that though. Me and my dad got a little under the table "agreement".

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

looking good

i just blogged today because I am feeling good and looking so good. I know its been a while, but the deal is I have spent so much time outside these days, i really have not had much use for the computer. But so many dogs in the neighborhood have been like, "Pancho, why don't you blog anymore, now I don't have anything to read in the mornings."

Even those jerk squirrels in the big oak tree are taunting me, "Pancho doesn't blog any more, nyah nyah nyah boo boo!" I mean they have to check it every now and again to know Im not blogging, right? Maybe I am more pupular than I thought? So here I will blog again, since people/animals want to hear from me.

I cant promise it will be every day or every week, but maybe I can steal the McBook long enough to pen a few good stories. If you still follow this blog, thank you. Your faithfulness will be rewarded... With my good-lookingness.

Until I blog again. Here's barking at you...