It's me again! I am just looking so good and playing with my owner today. He is lucky that I'm in such a good mood. I just love these sunny days because the window blinds go up and I can bark at people all day long. I like to bark. You guys should try it. I know you people like to "talk", but no one really listens to you. Not like they do a bark.
I'll prove it to you. Next time I bark I bet it takes .005 seconds for one of my owners to run over and start telling me I need to be quiet. PLUS next time they call for me, I won't pay attention, its just not as good as a bark. Now tell me which noise gets the job done??? the bark... exactly.
You have never seen Lassie call for help like this, "...umm, pardon me... yes, I am calling about a situation down by the creek. yes the creek... the one by the old farmer joe's place... yes, he seems to be in a bit of duress... what is that, no, I didn't wipe my feet before I came in..."
No this is how it goes.... BAARKK, BAARRK!!! What's that Lassie? Down by the creek?!?! Lets go!! It's you humans who take too long. Sheesh. Anyways I'll let you go. Thanks for stopping by today. Ill make sure to roll over if you stop by the house.