Thursday, November 27, 2008

it's about time!

I finally got my laptop back! My I mean owner... came back from Nashville and now I can finally type my blizzog. I have had 96 hours of non-writing time... Sheesh! I tried to write on notebook paper, but then I ate it... So, yes teacher, the dog does eat homework!!!

Anyways I KNOW you have missed me writing. But seriously, you need to follow me so you know when my next update is. So look on the left hand side of this page you can follow my every move. (see, look at my wagging tail!)

As you know today is thanksgiving. So make sure that you give thanks for all the great pets in your life, because we are so special! So make sure to accidently drop a piece of turkey on the floor or maybe some stuffing, and some of the cranberry sauce. (yes, i do like cranberry sauce).... Im getting hungry...

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

dog dreams

Sometimes when I am very tired I will bark in my sleep. People always ask themselves, "I wonder what dogs dream??" Well I have your answer here. Enjoy.

Monday, November 17, 2008

ooooooohhhhhh snap!!!

It looks like it is going to get a little bit cold in the next few days. I was watching the weather channel today and it is supposed to get down to 39 degrees tonight!!! I am so glad that I am an inside dog. I don't understand why my ancestors would spend time in the freezing weather. Not too bright if you ask me.

Anyways, I like to snuggle when it gets cold like this. I will try and find anyone who is willing to let me into their lap. If you don't mind me climbing on you there are some added benefits... You get to be seen with a handsome pup like me! 

I know there is not much of a winter here in Florida, and for that I am GLAD!!! I have a few cousins that like the cold weather, but they have long hair. Im a short haired, beach lovin', warm weather pooch! But don't put me in swim trunks. Or ill go dog-a-tonic. I hate wearing clothes... but I'll leave that for another post. woof!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

saturday is gameday

looks like Im going to have to spend the day entertaining myself. geez. between football, last minute Sunday prep and house cleaning, i barely get any attention. Any efforts to be cute are lost today. Therefore I will just lay in the sun... zzzzzzzzzzzz

Friday, November 14, 2008


It's me again! I am just looking so good and playing with my owner today. He is lucky that I'm in such a good mood. I just love these sunny days because the window blinds go up and I can bark at people all day long. I like to bark. You guys should try it. I know you people like to "talk", but no one really listens to you. Not like they do a bark.

I'll prove it to you. Next time I bark I bet it takes .005 seconds for one of my owners to run over and start telling me I need to be quiet. PLUS next time they call for me, I won't pay attention, its just not as good as a bark. Now tell me which noise gets the job done??? the bark... exactly.

You have never seen Lassie call for help like this, "...umm, pardon me... yes, I am calling about a situation down by the creek. yes the creek... the one by the old farmer joe's place... yes, he seems to be in a bit of duress... what is that, no, I didn't wipe my feet before I came in..." 

No this is how it goes....  BAARKK, BAARRK!!! What's that Lassie? Down by the creek?!?! Lets go!! It's you humans who take too long. Sheesh. Anyways I'll let you go. Thanks for stopping by today.  Ill make sure to roll over if you stop by the house.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

takin a break...

I have been way busy updating my blog, but I did have time to take a polaroid for my fans. Hope you like it!!! Have a good day!!!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

the leash of death

Here's the deal. I don't understand why I have to put on a leash to go outside. I am perfectly fine without it. Its like my masters think that if I go outside without it I might not be able to walk. Sheesh, what weirdos???

If I were meant to be tied down, God would have made me with a long leash on my body. But do you see that...NO So why try and keep me down? I think it is because my owners are jealous of my speed and agility. They walk all weird and awkwardly on their hind legs. But me, I am sleek and built for speed. 

The worst contraption ever is not the leash but the harness. Good gracious. Who thought that thing up??? Obviously not a dog. Have you tried to wear one of those things?? I feel like a child wearing diapers. It certainly slows me down... and cramps my style. Anyways, enough complaining, I need to get my cute on so I can get a treat!

Ps, i need to give a bark out to Zim. I haven't hung out with him in a while. Peace!!

Friday, November 7, 2008

not a good day...

okay, i know i am a dog and usually people think that a dog's life is easy. But not today. Today i got bathed. I didn't like it one bit.

I actually think that I smell just fine but noooooo. Why do you people subject yourself to this torture every day?? I mean first you get all wet and then you put this stinky soap all over you. Ugh. At least I look good while sitting there. You don't believe me??? Check out these pictures my publicist took. How incredibly good looking I am in the water. Like Brad Pitt... well a young Brad Pitt... if he were a dog...

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

the truth about cats and dogs... well just dogs... well just me...

Dear Myself-

Why am I so incredibly good looking? I have the form of a Greek Dog...  Today I was thinking of my good friends Chad and Hilary Wyatt. They come to see me every once in a while. And I also let them talk with my masters. 

Yeah, I know my masters are a little bit selfish, (they want everyone that comes over to pay attention to them when they clearly came to see ME) but what are you going to do? Anyways enough talking to myself as I am hardly able to handle the strain of pretending to talk to me (One awesome me + Me pretending to be another awesome me + The awesome me talking to the other awesome me = Almost too much awesome for one blog).                      --Me

Anyways today was quite a fun day. Somehow my cuteness got me out of another bath!! Yes!!! It is quite an art to get out of a bath. First, I must prepare myself mentally. I spend about an hour devising distractions for the entire evening. Then I execute, and by execute I mean ex-e-CUTE! I know that everyone is into the video blog thing so in my next post I will wow you with a video of me ex-e-cuting one of my best performances.... 

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Napping is an art

One of my favorite pastimes is napping. I try my hardest to get in at least 5 good naps per day. I know what you are thinking... "How can an incredibly good looking puppy like yourself only get 5 naps per day. You deserve at least seven." I know... Incredibly I am able to survive.

I like to sleep in my crate, but I also have many other places to mix it up. I have my doggie day bed. I also have the couch in the solarium. Sometimes I will sneak into the living room and nap on the couch in there(if there is a nice pillow). Every once in a while I will just plop down on the carpet (no, not that kind of "plop", i will get a spanking for that)!

I know this is very intriguing to you, as the puppy life is very difficult to understand. But if you try hard you too can be like me.  Well I am due for nap number five today, so i will bark at you later!!!