Wednesday, November 5, 2008

the truth about cats and dogs... well just dogs... well just me...

Dear Myself-

Why am I so incredibly good looking? I have the form of a Greek Dog...  Today I was thinking of my good friends Chad and Hilary Wyatt. They come to see me every once in a while. And I also let them talk with my masters. 

Yeah, I know my masters are a little bit selfish, (they want everyone that comes over to pay attention to them when they clearly came to see ME) but what are you going to do? Anyways enough talking to myself as I am hardly able to handle the strain of pretending to talk to me (One awesome me + Me pretending to be another awesome me + The awesome me talking to the other awesome me = Almost too much awesome for one blog).                      --Me

Anyways today was quite a fun day. Somehow my cuteness got me out of another bath!! Yes!!! It is quite an art to get out of a bath. First, I must prepare myself mentally. I spend about an hour devising distractions for the entire evening. Then I execute, and by execute I mean ex-e-CUTE! I know that everyone is into the video blog thing so in my next post I will wow you with a video of me ex-e-cuting one of my best performances.... 

1 comment:

centauro94 el muerto said...

good idea a blog write for a dog jaja welcom to mi space...